Flunking it.

Bern and her mouse came to my home to deliver me fruit tart and apple pie which were made by her, and wreck havoc yesterday evening. Evil Bernice.
Still dare to slap my thighs. In the end I got avenge for myself. Haha. Hopefully there are five fingers printed on Bern’s elbow. Guess that mouse can't take our nonsense eh? Haha. But still must thank him for that. Oh, Bern, I love those raspberries. Can make me more? =X
Anyway, I am feeling crappy today. Due to term test I think. I panic during my physics paper and I forgotten all my formula. So single digit mark is expected. Probably zero too. Chemistry paper was alright. Can score full marks if you go through your notes and textbook very, very, very thoroughly. I really mean it. And I only go through it only once? Well, looks like I'm going to flunk my sciences for the first time since 2007. Pathetic yea? My English teacher also told the class that some of us didn't do well for comprehension. One section can also get zero. Dang. I'm worrying that I'm one of them. Hopefully summary can help to pull up my marks greatly or a lil bit at least. If not, this will be the very first time that I got red marks for my English on my term test results slip.
Well, shall try to get over it and put 100% focus for my geography paper tomorrow and Mathematics paper on Friday. Thinking that there's geography paper, it cheered me up a little. Haha. Argh, maths. T.T
Some notes to me...
1. Stop procrastinating if you want to be the best O level scorer in your family.
3. Start your revision immediately after Chinese New year if you don't want what
happened during physics paper today to happen during MYE, Prelim and O level.
4. Stop anticipating that he will message you this week. He's still having his
field camp. WAKE UP !!
5. Stop thinking that O level is as easy as N level, plonker.
6. Be on task and complete every homework which was given on the day.
7. Attend your CCA regularly without fail if you still want your A2 for it.
8. Stop being hysterical.
9. Take your meals regularly if you don't want to land yourself into the
hospital one day.
10. Remember to whack Keewee during CNY.
11. Stop daydreaming away and thinking of him during lessons. Both of you will
meet up soon. Yeah, soon.
12. Start saving up your money for your fieldtrip now even though you might not
be selected.
13. Stop dining at expensive places.
14. Be a good girl and go online only during weekends.
15. Stop contradicting about number 14. As if you will do so uh?
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